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Saturday, May 3, 2008


The interview is the most universally used selection method. Although many employees do no use tests to aid in reaching an employment decision, there are hardly any who de not interviews the applicant in order to help make a definite assessment. In fact, multiple interviews are commonly employed. Interview permits the interviewer that be can inquire deep problem into person’s home; home background

  • Education
  • Previous work experience
  • Other pertinent areas


“An interview is a conversation or verbal interaction, normally between to or more people for a particular purpose”


There are three main objectives or goals, following are given.

  1. The interview seeks to obtain enough knowledge about candidates to determine whether they are suitable for employment in the organization.

2. Giving of sufficient information about the organization, the job and the people such that applicant project the job which of offered.

3. To deal with the candidates in such a manner as to maintain and create goodwill towards company and its management.


Interviews can be classified according to the techniques and structure utilities, such as method of categories interviews would be, planned, patterned, stress, and panel ,


It is also called as depth interview or action interview. Under such method as interviewer known subject area about which the question will be asked. They put various questions seen as about;

  • Present domestic condition
  • Education
  • Previous work experience
  • Social adjustment
  • Attitudes and recreational interest

The subject is to talk the individuals freely and it is necessary to provide information about

  • The organization
  • Nature of work
  • Pay grade
  • Opportunities for advancement and demand mad on employees

The candidates must given sufficient information to decide whether the employment opportunity is suitable for him or her.


It is sometimes called the standardized interview uses as its basis as extremely comprehensive questionnaire. Therefore, it is highly structured. Two best known patterned interview procedures are the;

  • Mc Murry patterned interview
  • Diagnostic interview’s guide developed by E.F Wonderlic

Mc Murry has prepared different interview forms for;

  • Office and factory jobs
  • Sale positions
  • Executive positions

Patterned interview forms ask so many detailed questions no stone is left unurned

In exploring the;

  • Background
  • Knowledge
  • Attitude

Motivation of the seekers


Stress interview was developed during would war by thdsfa e the united government. Under such interview the interviewers try to frustrate and annoy the candidates. They try to cause the candidates to lose control of or her emotions. Something, the candidates is assigned a problem of unusual difficulty and with considerable annoyances thrown in to the situation.

The object behind the stress interview is to find those persons who are able to maintain control over their behavior when their emotions are highly provoked.

The stress interview should be used only by some specific trained persons for those occupations in which action under stress is as essential element of the job such as;

  • Army work
  • Police work
  • Secret agents


The panel interview is often called an Examing Board. In panel interview there are here or more interviews who take interview from job candidates. The panel technique is often used for various governmental jurisdictions to select employees in;

  • Professional
  • Administrative classifications

Panel interview technique permits more comprehensive investigation of applicant because there are several questions which are asked from candidates and when candidates left the room, the panel members discuss about their individual interpretations of performance.



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