Test can be classified according to the types of human behavior measured as follow.
Aptitude tests measure the talent or potential ability to do something. It includes the following.
- Psychological testing really began with mental ability testing around 1900 more work has been done in creating developing experimenting and reefing general mental test then any other major types of tests.
Some of the more widely used mental ability tests for employee selection are the. Thurston test of mental alertness, the adaptability tests.
- Special aptitude tests
A great number and variety of tests have been created to measure capacity to learn regarding a particular kind of work. Mechanical aptitude tests measure the capacities of perceptual speed and knowledge of mechanical matter.
Clerical aptitude tests have been created to measure specific capacities involved in office work. Examples of clerical tests are office skill tests short test of clerical ability, general clerical test and short employment tests etc.
If a company wishes to hire experienced employees who already process the required skills and knowledge. It would do well to investigate the value of specific achievement tests to evaluate these candidates.
Achievement test can be classified into two categories.
1. One measure job knowledge and may be either of the oral or the written type.
2. The other category is a work sample in which a typical portion of the actual job is administered.
Companies develop their achievement tests to select people for specific jobs.
Vocational interest test are inventories of the likes and dislikes of people in relation to occupations, hobbies and recreation activities. The basic motive behind these test to judge the like and dislike of people to whom firm is going to hire.
These tests evaluates individual in a real like situation by asking them to sole critical element of a real job. An illustration of job is placed in a room and gives them a practical problem and they are required to discuss and solve the problem in the best interest of the organization. No one is appointed as a leader in discussion then the observe note how they interest each other and who had the useful idea? Who are apposing of best view? Who are most convincing in oral expression?
Another type of situational test is “in basket test” under such method various types of letters, memos telephone messages and reports are placed in a basket and each candidates is required to draw randomly from that is basket a situation and take immediate steps form the best interest of the organization.
Both the leaderless and in basket test discussion are used in industries while selection of managers and especially as components of assessment centers.
There are two types of personality tests.
- Objective pencil and paper tests
Most personality tests are objective type; objective personality tests which are in common usage are the personnel audit and survey of values.
- Projective personality tests
A projective personality tests in one of which the subject is asked to his project his own interpretation into certain standard stimulus situation.
Here the meaning attached to the stimulus depends upon personal values motives and personality.
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