Every organization whether it is a
- Multiple organization
- Small business
- Religious institution
- Govt. agency depends on people
Appropriate candidates for each job must be trained and motivated. To do what is a part of human resources management.
“A comprehensive integrated system for effectively managing the work in order achieve organization goals”
“Activities necessary for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance”
“The human resources management process lead form planning to staffing, training, compensation, evaluation, replacement, then back to planning makes the process circular”
The process analyzing an organization’s needs for various employees in accordance with its goals and devising among these needs.HMR is about filling jobs. A job is defined as array of tasks and responsibilities given to an employee in order to meet organization jobs include five specific core job dimensions.
- Skill variety
- Task identity
- Task significance
- Autonomy
- Feed back
The process of attracting and selecting employees for position in accordance with organizational goals is performed by staffing. It is done by recruiting job applicants.
Recruiting: -
The process of attracting qualified people to apply for positions within an organization.
While in selection we choose best applicants for available jobs. Selection methods are,
- Applications
- Interviews
- Reference checks
- Testing
The shortage of skilled employees and their increasing demands for personal fulfillment the job make training and development an essential area of human resources management.
The process of training employees the behaviors knowledge, and skill necessary for performance their jobs successfully. Preparing key employees for present and future jobs, and for career development. COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT
Most important HMR task is setting levels, if compensation. Compensation includes the direct ways, benefits and incentives gives to employees in exchanges for their work. If compensation levels are too high then, an organization will have qualified employees.
The main tool for human resources managers in setting compensation levels in the job evaluation. The process of ascertaining how much each job is worth to organization and assuring that the pay level for each job is fair.
It is important for an organization to have a formal system of evaluating employees, their managers and even the organization itself. Employee’s evaluation is the process of assessing the quality of employees. It is done well with performance appraisal.
“The process of evaluating employee’s performance in relation to expectation and providing feedback”
Employees who leave jobs within the organization must replace. Employees who are leaving are a valuable source of feedback about the organization itself. Employees leave their jobs in one of five ways,
- Promotion
- Transfer
- Demotion
- Voluntary severance
- Termination
The best step in HRM process leads back to the first tow steps because replacing organization members involves planning and staffing functions.
The employment process begins with a perceived need to obtain a person or persons to perform some job. Commonly a manager submit a written request to the personnel department starting that he, she wishes to fill a given position. The position should be defined in term of its job description and job specialization.
Human resources for all types of organization are considered as worthy assets, and the success and the failure of organization depends open their employees. So”employment process id a procedure to select required employment from the pool of candidates’
Personnel department process is also play an important role and choose best candidates for the best interest of the organization. The principal elements in the employment process are in the following.
The employment process begins with a perceived need to obtain a person or person or persons to perform some job. The department which is in need inform to the personnel department with all types of aspects such as, identification of job, recruitments of job, description of job, specification of job, and all that personnel department plays its own function to accomplish it.
Recruitment involves identifying sources of potential employees, informing people of job opening and attraction, applicants who have the requisite qualifications to perform the jobs. People may be recruited either form within or from outside the people may be recruited either from within or from outside the enterprise. The job recruitments as expressed in job description and job specification identify the kinds of people to be recruited.
When people will get aware about valet position, they will apply and as a result there will be as pool of candidates.
Selection involves choosing, from among a pool of candidates, the person or persons who best match the qualification criteria for the job involved.
The selection process can range from single interview and tests a weighted application blank, an assessment center, and an interview background investigation in a more sophisticated hiring procedure.
The selection process yields tow groups of applicants,
- Accepted candidates
- Rejected candidates
Those rejected because they do not meet the requirement of the employing organization and those who are hired.
Those who are hired are normally given as orientation to the organization. It policies and benefits, to their department and job and to their immediate supervisor and coworkers, in other words, we can say that by applying various techniques ability of candidates is judged and suitable candidates re accepted.
It must be noted that some individuals who are rejected may meet the minimal standard set by the employer, yet they are rejected because there are other candidates who process at superior qualification.
The candidates who are selected are placed at their respective jobs. But normally these new employees are met well trained regarding the activities of the organization. First of all new employees are trained by special development program, so that they perform activities effectively and efficiently.
The last element in the employment process is probationary status. This is the try out period on the job. Depending upon managerial policy and level of the job probationary period can vary in length from 30 days form unskilled and semiskilled jobs up to a year or more form professional & managerial jobs.
The probationary status of employees is properly viewed as a part of the employment process because the relative success of the hiring activity is partly measured by the percentage of those hired who success fully complete their probationary period.
After discussing the employment process, we can say that now a days, personnel department plays as important role while selecting best employee at right time, for right post, at right cost.
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